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(Pelvicachromis pulcher)

This pretty dwarf cichlid is perhaps not great for an average community aquarium but they are still great little fish. They have a grey body with yellow, purple, pink, orange and black markings covering it. Males can be identified by dark eggspots on the back of the dorsal fin and at the top of the caudal fin while females, like rams, tend to have pink bellies. They should be kept in fairly large tanks as when they spawn, the other fish need to be able to get away from the parents and the eggs. In a small tank, the other inhabitants will have nowhere to go and may even get killed by the pair of kribensis. The stress can be lessened by heavily planting the tank and providing lots of hiding places.

  Max Size: 8cm Temperature: 24-28ºc Ease of Keeping: Moderate Temperament: Territorial Compatibility: Moderate Plant Friendly: Yes