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Tiger Scat

(Scatophagus Argus)

The tiger scat is ane of the larger brackish water fish. It's body is varying colours of brown covered in dark spots and blotches with the occasional patch of yellow or light brown. As they mature, they will become more silvery. They are vegetarian and must be fed accordingly and will eat all but the toughest of plants. They need a large aquarium as they are natrually active. Plant wise, they are mostly good with plants but java fern must not be kept in their aquarium as this is highly poisonous to them if they eat it. They could be kept in a mixed brackish water community aquarium with other similar sized fish.

  Max Size: 30cm Temperature: 25-26ºc Ease of Keeping: Moderate Temperament: Social Compatibility: Moderate Specific Gravity: 1.002-1.007