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(Periophthalmus Barbus)

Mudskippers are popular brackish water aquarium fish. Their body's are mainly brown but their colouration is not the reason for their popularity. This lies in the fact that they have the ability to leave the water for short periods of time. This means they should be kept in an aquarium that has a beach area at one end for them to hop onto. The aquarium should only be half full and could be planted with young mangrove trees which should be pruned regularly to keep them small. An external power filter should be used to maintain the water quality as an internal one may not function properly in the low water level. Always make sure the air inside the aquarium is kept warm and humid.

  Max Size: 15cm Temperature: 25-30ºc Ease of Keeping: Moderate Temperament: Territorial Compatibility: Low Specific Gravity: 1.002-1.007